CoinDesk 20 Performance Overview: HBAR Soars 8.0% While Most Assets Rise
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CoinDesk 20 Performance Overview: HBAR Soars 8.0% While Most Assets Rise

This update reveals significant gains in HBAR and SOL as part of the CoinDesk 20 Index performance for the week.

CoinDesk Indices provides their daily market update, showcasing the performance of major players in the CoinDesk 20 Index.

The CoinDesk 20 is currently trading at 3991.46, which represents a 2.5% increase since 4 p.m. ET on Thursday.

Nineteen out of twenty assets are experiencing higher trading volumes.
Leaders: HBAR (+8.0%) and SOL (+4.8%).

Laggards: ETC (-0.1%) and BTC (+0.4%).

The CoinDesk 20 serves as a comprehensive index that is traded across various platforms globally.

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