Brazil's Postal Service Pursues Blockchain and AI Innovation for Operational Enhancement

Brazil's Postal Service Pursues Blockchain and AI Innovation for Operational Enhancement

The state-owned postal entity is actively seeking advanced technological solutions to optimize its operations and logistics.


Brazil’s state-owned postal service, Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos, has initiated a pre-selection for blockchain and AI solutions to facilitate improvements in logistics and operations management.

Key Points

  • The postal service aims to enhance its business processes, operational efficiency, and internal supply management.
  • On Friday, the tender was published in the official journal, Diário Oficial da União, looking for proposals that support the digital transformation of its services.
  • This initiative, titled Licitação Seleção Prévia e Diálogo nº 25000001/2025 CS, seeks advanced technological solutions to modernize various operational aspects.

“We want to promote a collaborative and dynamic process to find solutions using artificial intelligence and blockchain for our business challenges,” the organization announced.

The postal service did not specify particular use cases but mentioned that blockchain could help in supply chain tracking, conducting transactions securely, and document verification. The use of AI is expected to be aligned with logistics optimization and thorough data analysis.

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