Mexican Mogul Ricardo Salinas Reveals 70% Investment in Bitcoin

Mexican Mogul Ricardo Salinas Reveals 70% Investment in Bitcoin

Ricardo Salinas, a prominent advocate for Bitcoin, discloses that his investment portfolio is now primarily in Bitcoin, holding no other stocks or bonds.

Key Points:

  • Billionaire Ricardo Salinas has increased his liquid cryptocurrency holdings to comprise 70% in Bitcoin.
  • He mentions holding only Bitcoin, gold, stakes in gold mining companies, and shares in his own firms.
  • Salinas is noted for his advocacy of Bitcoin and previously discussed plans to make his bank the first in Mexico to accept Bitcoin.

Ricardo Salinas, a prominent Mexican billionaire, has disclosed that the majority of his investment portfolio is now focused on Bitcoin (BTC) alongside gold and shares in his businesses. His net worth is estimated at approximately $5.8 billion, and he is known for his strong support of Bitcoin.

In a recent interview, Salinas stated, “I’ve got about 70% in Bitcoin-related exposure and 30% in gold and gold miners. I don’t have a single bond and I don’t have any other stocks except my own.”

The current allocation is significantly increased from 10% in Bitcoin, as revealed by Salinas back in 2020. His comments coincide with his plans to delist his primary company, Grupo Elektra, amid ongoing legal and tax disputes with the Mexican government.

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